Prompt Library
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Create Comprehensive Test Cases
Write test cases for the following code, please provide example [Insert language] codes:
[Insert code]
Create A Fun Drawing With Turtle
Using turtle in python draw a square. Now draw a triangle with it's base touching the top of the square. Now draw two downward vertical lines from the bottom of the square with equal
spacing between them
Calculate TheBoundingBox
in python i have a dictionary of multiple entries. Each key is a camera_id (int) and the value is a 4x4 transformation matrix (np.ndarray). Write me a function that gets the bounding box of all camera positions. Return type should be two tuples, for the min and max extent of this bbox. Respond with a single code block containing the function you create, and no other
explanation or commentary.
Calculate The Factorial Of A Number
Write a program that calculates the factorial of a given number in python