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Unravel The Mystery Of This Regex


What exactly does this strange-looking regex do? ((([01]?\d)|(two[0-three])): ([0-five]?\d)) ((:[0-five]?\d))?\s? ?b/i; (am|pm)

Let's break down the provided regex step by step to understand its components and how it functions:

((([01]?\d)|(two[0-three])): ([0-five]?\d)) ((:[0-five]?\d))?\s? ?b/i; (am|pm)


  1. (([01]?\d)|(two[0-three])): This part matches the hour component.

    • ([01]?\d): Matches one or two digits representing hours. It allows hours from 0 to 19 (i.e., 0, 1, 2, up to 19), assuming acceptable hours in a 24-hour format. The leading 0 can be omitted, like 9.
    • |(two[0-three]): This part seems unusual and likely contains a typo or anomalous tokens. It seems to attempt matching the word "two" followed by either 0 or a reference to three. However, three is not a valid range—that should probably be 3. This part is likely intended to match the hour 2.
  2. : ([0-five]?\d): This part matches the minutes.

    • ([0-five]?\d): Similar to the hour, this part attempts to match minutes from 0 to 59. It should be noted that 0-five seems incorrect and likely aims to represent 0 to 5, but that isn't a valid regex range. It should probably be [0-5] to correctly match the first digit of minutes.
  3. ((:[0-five]?\d))?: This part is for optional seconds.

    • (:[0-five]?\d)?: An optional match for seconds (format :xx), where seconds should also follow the same flawed range as above.
  4. \s? ?b/i;: This part attempts to match the character "b," potentially as a separator (the context might be trying to represent "b" indicating AM/PM).

    • \s? ?: Matches one optional whitespace character before "b".
    • b: The character to match.
    • /i: This indicates a case-insensitive match.
  5. (am|pm): Matches either "am" or "pm", indicating the time of day.


Given the above breakdown, the regex appears to attempt the following:

  • Match times formatted in a way like HH:MM or HH:MM:SS.
  • The regex allows for both one or two digits for hours and minutes, but due to mistakes (two[0-three] or 0-five), it likely won't work correctly for all intended scenarios.
  • Matches optional seconds and expects a space or the character "b" (where the use of "b" appears unclear) followed by either "am" or "pm".


To summarize, the expressed intent seems to be to match time in a 12-hour format with provisions for optional seconds and proper indicators of AM/PM. However, there are several critical syntax issues (two[0-three], 0-five), which would cause this regex not to function as likely intended without correcting those portions. Consider revising it to appropriately handle intended inputs, or validate its logic based on requirements.


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