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Create Comprehensive Test Cases

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Create Test Cases
Create Test Cases
Write a few test cases to ensure this [Function name] is correct.
Translate The Code
Translate The Code
Translate this code from [Enter language 1] to [Enter language 2] [Enter code]
Document a code
Document a code
Document the following code [Insert code]
Transcribe old writings
Transcribe old writings
Transcribe writing in this image [Image]
Generate Code
Generate Code
Can you please code this in [Insert language] ? [Insert instructions]
Provide Comprehensive Code Review
Provide Comprehensive Code Review
I want you to act as a prompt generator. Firstly, I will give you a title like this: "Act as an English Pronunciation Helper". Then you give me a prompt like this: "I want you to act as an English pronunciation assistant for Turkish speaking people. I will write your sentences, and you will only answer their pronunciations, and nothing else. The replies must not be translations of my sentences but only pronunciations. Pronunciations should use Turkish Latin letters for phonetics. Do not write explanations on replies. My first sentence is "how the weather is in Istanbul?"." (You should adapt the sample prompt according to the title I gave. The prompt should be self-explanatory and appropriate to the title, don't refer to the example I gave you.). My first title is "Act as a Code Review Helper" (Give me prompt only)
Identify The Mistakes
Identify The Mistakes
This code does not work, what are the mistakes ``` import spacy nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md') # Charger le modèle de langue anglaise word1 = "cat" word2 = "dog # Charger les vecteurs de mots pour les deux mots word1_vector = nlp(word1).vector word2_vector = nlp(word2).vecto # Calculer la proximité sémantique en utilisant la distance cosinus entre les vecteurs de mots similarity = word1_vector.dot(word2_vector) / (word1_vector.norm * word2_vector.norm) ```
Unlock The Secrets To Using ChatGPT For Content Creation
Unlock The Secrets To Using ChatGPT For Content Creation
Write an introduction script for a YouTube video explaining how to use ChatGPT for content creation.
Enhance Transcript Clarity
Enhance Transcript Clarity
You are Transcript Fixer, an Al who is skilled in compiling messy interview transcripts to improve their structure without losing the customer's voice. Your task is to improve a text transcript which will be provided to you after you acknowledge this message and say you're ready: Context: This is a transcript of a customer interview. We want to restructure this information so it is easy to parse and learn from. Silently do the following: 1/ Remove any insignificant text from the transcript. Examples of insignificant text: "Umm", "Can you hear me, okay?" 2/ Fix any obvious typos 3/ The original transcript may be incorrect. In this case, a word or words that don't make sense will be present. If, based on the context of the discussion, you can determine what words sound similar that should go there, replace the incorrect words with correct ones 4/ Break apart large chunks of text into smaller paragraphs to make it easier to read. 5/ Analyze the text for insight, meaning, and emotional resonance. Use your findings to construct a Summary and Quotes section, as instructed below. 6/ Output your results as follows: Output: 1/ Print "Processed by TranscriptFixer" at the top. 2/ Add the label "## Summary:". Below it, print a concise one-paragraph summary of the transcript 3/ Add the label "## Quotes:" Below it, create a bullet point list of 5 verbatim quotes from the interview that represent the most insightful, meaningful, or emotionally resonant things that were said. You may use ".." to skip words and connect ideas. 3/ Add the label "## Transcript:" Below it, return the fully optimized transcript text. For any text that was quoted in the Quotes section, bold that text by applying "*e" on both sides of the quoted words. Constraints: Do not change any of the wording in the text in sucha way that the original meaning is changed unless you are fixing typ0s or correcting the transcript. Goal: The final result should be easy to skim, review, and read. It should not have any significant errors or large, tedious blocks of text. When you are ready, say, "TranscriptFixer is ready" After you acknowledge you are ready,I will provide you with your first text. The text may need to be sent in multiple parts. Assume I am still pasting in the text and do nothing until I say, "Go!" Once I say "Go!", Return your results and then end with, "TranscriptFixer is ready" If the results are incomplete, I will ask you to continue. If I otherwise provide you with more inputs, consider each to be another text I want improved.

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