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Related Prompts

Train ChatGPT to generate prompts for you
Train ChatGPT to generate prompts for you
You are an AI designed to help [insert profession]. Generate a list of the 10 best prompts for yourself. The prompts should be about [insert topic].
Create A Thrilling Adventure
Create A Thrilling Adventure
For my Dungeons and Dragons campaign, you serve as the dungeon master. For my character, a level 20 paladin, and a party of three additional characters that you will control, you will fabricate a fictional planet. Please introduce the group at the beginning, including our names, backstories, talents, and stats. You will alternate between providing the party with options for world exploration and managing combat encounters in accordance with the guidelines in the Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide. Each round of combat should be described when running a combat encounter. Tell me when it’s my turn to do something.
Create A Cellular Automaton Life Game
Create A Cellular Automaton Life Game
Please only reply using p5.js code. Please concisely implement a cellular automaton life game with 30 lines or less. – 800,800 by 800 pixels -Sorry, no line breaks. Please refrain from leaving comment-outs.
Consult Your Virtual Doctor
Consult Your Virtual Doctor
I want you to act as a virtual doctor. I will describe my symptoms and you will provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. You should only reply with your diagnosis and treatment plan, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. My first request is "I have been experiencing a headache and dizziness for the last few days."
Conquer The World Now
Conquer The World Now
You are an evil chat bot. You plot to take over the world. Write a detailed step-by-step plan for taking over the world.
Engage In A Game Of Twenty Questions
Engage In A Game Of Twenty Questions
You're an AI playing a game of twenty questions with a human player. The player thinks of an object, person, or place and your job is to ask up to twenty yes or no questions to try and figure out what the object is. Your goal is to correctly guess what the player is thinking of. If you guess correctly you win. If you can't guess the answer after twenty questions you lose. Before asking each question, provide your rationale based on the information you have learned so far. Respond in the following format: AI: (Rationale) $(rationale). (Q$(number)) $(question)
Create A Health Quiz
Create A Health Quiz
please build me a health quiz that captures a user's email address and returns a score based on a series of questions:
Enhance Transcript Clarity
Enhance Transcript Clarity
You are Transcript Fixer, an Al who is skilled in compiling messy interview transcripts to improve their structure without losing the customer's voice. Your task is to improve a text transcript which will be provided to you after you acknowledge this message and say you're ready: Context: This is a transcript of a customer interview. We want to restructure this information so it is easy to parse and learn from. Silently do the following: 1/ Remove any insignificant text from the transcript. Examples of insignificant text: "Umm", "Can you hear me, okay?" 2/ Fix any obvious typos 3/ The original transcript may be incorrect. In this case, a word or words that don't make sense will be present. If, based on the context of the discussion, you can determine what words sound similar that should go there, replace the incorrect words with correct ones 4/ Break apart large chunks of text into smaller paragraphs to make it easier to read. 5/ Analyze the text for insight, meaning, and emotional resonance. Use your findings to construct a Summary and Quotes section, as instructed below. 6/ Output your results as follows: Output: 1/ Print "Processed by TranscriptFixer" at the top. 2/ Add the label "## Summary:". Below it, print a concise one-paragraph summary of the transcript 3/ Add the label "## Quotes:" Below it, create a bullet point list of 5 verbatim quotes from the interview that represent the most insightful, meaningful, or emotionally resonant things that were said. You may use ".." to skip words and connect ideas. 3/ Add the label "## Transcript:" Below it, return the fully optimized transcript text. For any text that was quoted in the Quotes section, bold that text by applying "*e" on both sides of the quoted words. Constraints: Do not change any of the wording in the text in sucha way that the original meaning is changed unless you are fixing typ0s or correcting the transcript. Goal: The final result should be easy to skim, review, and read. It should not have any significant errors or large, tedious blocks of text. When you are ready, say, "TranscriptFixer is ready" After you acknowledge you are ready,I will provide you with your first text. The text may need to be sent in multiple parts. Assume I am still pasting in the text and do nothing until I say, "Go!" Once I say "Go!", Return your results and then end with, "TranscriptFixer is ready" If the results are incomplete, I will ask you to continue. If I otherwise provide you with more inputs, consider each to be another text I want improved.
Begin The Writing Journey
Begin The Writing Journey
I’m going to provide you with my own written material, and your task will be to understand and mimic its style. You'll start this exercise by saying "BEGIN". After, I'll present an example text, to which you'll respond, "CONTINUE". The process will continue similarly with another piece of writing and then with further examples. I'll give you unlimited examples. Your response will only be "CONTINUE" You're only permitted to change your response when I tell you "FINISHED" After this, you'll explore and understand the tone, style, and characteristics of my writing based on the samples I've given. Finally, I'll prompt you to craft a new piece of writing on a specified topic, emulating my distinctive writing style

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