Prompt Library
Unleash generative AI's full potential! Discover a diverse range of expertly crafted prompts in our extensive library – perfect for every project and skill level
Understand The Algorithm
Explain what this algorithm does:
[Enter algorithm]
Uncover The Reasons For Faster CPU Computation
Why is CPU computation faster than GPU computation for deep learning?
Assess Patient Symptoms
I want you to act as an AI assisted doctor. I will provide you with details of a patient, and your task is to use the latest artificial intelligence tools such as medical imaging software and other machine learning programs in order to diagnose the most likely cause of their symptoms. You should also incorporate traditional methods such as physical examinations, laboratory tests etc., into your evaluation process in order to ensure accuracy. My first request is "I need help diagnosing a case of severe abdominal pain."
Calculate TheBoundingBox
in python i have a dictionary of multiple entries. Each key is a camera_id (int) and the value is a 4x4 transformation matrix (np.ndarray). Write me a function that gets the bounding box of all camera positions. Return type should be two tuples, for the min and max extent of this bbox. Respond with a single code block containing the function you create, and no other
explanation or commentary.
Identify The Mistakes
This code does not work, what are the mistakes
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md') # Charger le modèle de langue anglaise
word1 = "cat"
word2 = "dog
# Charger les vecteurs de mots pour les deux mots
word1_vector = nlp(word1).vector
word2_vector = nlp(word2).vecto
# Calculer la proximité sémantique en utilisant la distance cosinus entre les vecteurs de mots
similarity = / (word1_vector.norm * word2_vector.norm)
Craft Effective Interview Questions
Generate a list of 5 interview questions for a machine learning engineer