Prompt Library
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Identify The Code Errors
Find the bug with this code:
for (var i = O: i < 5: i++) {
setTimeout(0) => console.log i), 1000)
Identify The Mistakes
This code does not work, what are the mistakes
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md') # Charger le modèle de langue anglaise
word1 = "cat"
word2 = "dog
# Charger les vecteurs de mots pour les deux mots
word1_vector = nlp(word1).vector
word2_vector = nlp(word2).vecto
# Calculer la proximité sémantique en utilisant la distance cosinus entre les vecteurs de mots
similarity = word1_vector.dot(word2_vector) / (word1_vector.norm * word2_vector.norm)
Identify The DivisionByZeroError
Why this code is not working?
var x = 5;
var y = 0;